How To Hack Facebook Accounts
Is It Possible to View Private Facebook Profiles?
Why would anyone want to spy into someone else’s private Facebook profile? If you think about it, there are lots of valid reasons.
- You have a crush on a really hot girl. You’re pretty much a stalker, and you’re okay with that.
- You suspect your daughter is dating an axe murderer and you want to check out his Facebook profile for evidence.
- You discovered your significant other is cheating on you, and you want proof.
How to View Private Facebook Profiles With Social Engineering
When I realized that it’s virtually impossible to peek into someone’s Facebook profile using my programming knowledge, I decided to borrow a chapter from the psychology class I took Freshman year in college. Social engineering is essentially the use of psychology to get someone to comply with your wishes. In this case, you want the person to grant you access to view their private Facebook account. Before you make things too complicated, the first and easiest way to access someone’s private Facebook profile is to simply send them a message and hope they reply.
Whenever you click on someone’s picture or name, whether it’s someone on your friends’ list of friends or search results from the Facebook database of users, you’ll find that you have three options to the right side of the person’s bio photo. You can either send them a request to add you as a friend, send them a message, or view their friends. Obviously the first option won’t help you much right now. However, you can use the second option, “send a message,” to work your way into the person’s private Facebook account. How does it work? Well, Facebook’s help section states that anyone who you add as a friend or send a message to “…will have temporary access to view a small portion of your profile. They will see Basic Info, Personal Info, Work Info, Education Info and Friends.”
1. Send them a message like, “Hey! We went to school together, do you remember me? I think we sat together in Geometry.”
2. They may respond with something like, “I don’t know who you are, get lost.”
3. You now have temporary access to view their profile.
The James Bond Approach to Accessing Private Facebook Profiles
If the person doesn’t reply to you, there’s still hope. This next approach makes use of of a form of social engineering called, “demand characteristics.” This is where you set up a group situation where the person adds you as a friend just to “go with the flow” because everyone else has. First, you need to create an identity that the person will recognize. Click “View Friends” in the bio preview box, and scroll through their friends to find someone who doesn’t have a profile picture loaded.
The reason you spent so much effort getting her friends to show up on your fake account before you contacted her was to make your “fake” account look far more convincing. She’ll see the number of mutual friends, the sincere plea for help, and just as group psychologists predict – she’ll “go with the flow” and add you as a friend just like everyone else did. The moment she does, you have access to her employment information, school information, photos and anything else she’s added to her account. With a bit of social engineering, you’ve gained the keys to her private Facebook profile. Well done.
Do you know of any other ways to view private Facebook profiles? Share your feedback in the comments section below.
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